The BigCoast Forest Climate Initiative is a carbon crediting opportunity like no other — a detailed forest management plan focused on the charismatic forestland of Coastal British Columbia, Canada.
By committing managed forests into conserved ecological areas, we increase carbon retention and reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs).
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Location: Canada — Coastal British Columbia
Project Type: Improved Forest Management (IFM)
Standard/Methodology: Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) VM0012
GHG Emission Reduction: Over 20 million metric tonnes CO2e
Photo: Salish Eye Productions
Key Facts
What the BigCoast Forest does.
The BigCoast Forest Climate Initiative conserves 40,000 hectares (100,000 acres) of unique forest ecosystems on the West Coast of Canada. Committing timberlands into a nature-based climate solution with our partners keep carbon out of the atmosphere by storing and removing 20 million tonnes across this diverse landscape. It is a new way for these lands to contribute to the broader regional ecosystem, which is home to bear, elk, salmon and orca.
Photo: Salish Eye Productions
Tree of Life.
For Coastal First Nations, the western red cedar, known as the “tree of life” because of its medicinal and practical uses, is one of the most culturally rich and vital trees in the Pacific Northwest.
Photo: Salish Eye Productions
Photo: Salish Eye Productions
The BigCoast Forest Climate Initiative directly contributes to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). BigCoast Forest is certified to the SDGs Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) and Verified Carbon Standard (Verra Registered) for directly contributing to 5 of the SDGS:
17 aquatic stewardship projects
within the project area
Corporate Sustainability Progress Reports
published annually, ensuring adoption of sustainable practices by large and transnational companies
650,000 tonnes of CO e
reduced on average per year
17 anadromous fish stewardship projects
within the project area
100% Sustainable Forestry Initiative Certification
for all forestlands in the project
British Columbia, Canada
Project Area with select projects shown
Click on each site for detailed view
Select clients trusting BigCoast Forest to advance their climate contributions.
Extending the Initiative
A portion of the revenue will enable cultural and scientific research through the
Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCA) Innovation Program and the Pacific Salmon Foundation.